Graduating to the 9-5 World артикул 10724c.
Graduating to the 9-5 World артикул 10724c.

Congratulations! You've just received your diploma or degree after several years of hard work You've acquired new skills and many fond student memories Now it's on to a full-time job and a rewarding career But wait a minute Are you ready for what comes next? While you may have graduated from school, you have yet to graduate to the 9 - 5 world If you are оешйр like many other graduates, you are about to encounter numerous 9 - 5 shocks Many will be disappointments while others will be important career challenges Graduating to the 9 - 5 World is every student's passport tot he realities of the work world Former students, administrators, career professionals, and employers provide an insider's view of what it's really like working in a structured world where politics, productivity, and performance take center stage Offering frank answers to numerous questions facing 9 - 5 rookies, they provide invaluable tips on how to best find, keep, and leave a job, from writing resumes, interviewing, andhandling the first 90 days to resigning from a job and dealing with housing and personal finances Using a helpful question-answer format, the book is designed to prepare you for the many surprises awaiting you in the 9 - 5 world.  Игра знакомитISBN 0942710509.